[Love Life And Lose Weight] 19: 6 Steps To A Drama-Free Weigh in

Here are your six steps to a drama-free weigh-in. 

  1. Review your week by skimming your daily plans, assessment, calendar, journal, and memory recall of the week. 
  2. Count the number of overeats you had. 
  3. Note all other data, including body measurements, progress photos, journaling your observation of areas of progress, and areas for improvement around your eating habits. Note your levels of energy, patterns around sleep and water, and the emotional weather of each day. 
  4. Assess all of the data above and take your best guess as to what the scale will say based on your actual habits around food for the past week. 
  5. Based on your projection, journal about how you want to think and feel about your week on purpose before you even get on the scale. 
  6. Take your weight.  Compare that with your weight guess and assess any differences. Is there anything you may have overlooked, or do you need to look closer into your week to figure out why the scale and your guess are different? The best gas and the scale result are within about half a pound of each other you're doing pretty well matching your real experience with the data with what your body's response to your habits around food is. 

Try this 6-step process to help you create a data-driven rather than drama-driven relationship with weighing in.

Visit me @thriveinmidlife on Instagram on episode post number 19 and comment with your ah-ha's, takeaways, homework, and/or questions from this episode, and let’s keep the conversation going.


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I'm Heather Beardsley

I’m an advanced certified weight and life coach who holds a master’s degree in education. I don’t just talk about weight loss; I work full-time as a coach. More than that, I live the lifestyle. My story is powerful proof that the diet industry is broken, and it can and will break you too, unless you are willing to leave it all behind you. We were sold a lie about weight loss that blames the dieter for a lack of self-control in a system that demonizes food as good or bad. That all can stop for you today, too.

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