[Love Life And Lose Weight] 20: How To Love Yourself

This week we take a closer look at the important relationship of intentionally loving yourself to help you make not only your weight loss but your entire life richer and more meaningful.

We often take on the conditional and judgmental messaging we grow up with that if you have weight to lose your body and therefore you as a person are somehow less lovable. We then rationalize that assumption by unconsciously believing that when we lose weight, we will give ourselves feel love for ourselves and others easily. This condition we put on permission to love ourselves can be a major contributing factor to what makes weight loss feel harder and take longer than it needs to. 

This is the great lie we participate in that keep us apart from the life we year for. 

Loving ourselves fully and without conditions only needs our willingness. Once we are willing, it becomes a practice of devotion. What does it mean to devote yourself to loving you?

To devote yourself is to demonstrate in action your loyalty, pledge, and allegiance to that practice. We do this with our partners and with our children and we can do this with ourselves. 

Recommended Reading: Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It by Kamal Ravikant – Kamal gives lots of tips and ideas for practicing self-love.  Tune in to hear tips for beginning your practice and for a description of how to do the self-forgiveness exercise that can clear the way to begin loving. 
Coach Homework: 

  • Do you love yourself like your life depends on it? 
  • Make yourself a Valentine's Day Card, then post it on Instagram and tag me so I can see it.  

Let's keep the conversation going.  Visit me @thriveinmidlife on Instagram on the episode 20 post and comment with your ah-ha's, takeaways, homework takeaways, and/or questions from this episode, and let’s keep the conversation going.


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I'm Heather Beardsley

I’m an advanced certified weight and life coach who holds a master’s degree in education. I don’t just talk about weight loss; I work full-time as a coach. More than that, I live the lifestyle. My story is powerful proof that the diet industry is broken, and it can and will break you too, unless you are willing to leave it all behind you. We were sold a lie about weight loss that blames the dieter for a lack of self-control in a system that demonizes food as good or bad. That all can stop for you today, too.

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