[Love Life and Lose Weight] 46: Book Launch Party

My book, Love life And Lose Weight, Eat What You Love,  Trust Your Body, and Lose Weight Without Restriction, launches today, so we are having a virtual party to celebrate. 

I kick off the party by reading you the introduction chapter, so you can decide if purchasing the book is right for you. Next, I will tell you exactly HOW I launched a podcast and wrote a book in less than ten months. Finally, I tell you about what this journey has meant to me personally and WHY I wrote it. 

If you want to support my work, there has never been a better day than today to show your support by purchasing the book [CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE], telling your friends, and spreading the word on social media. With each of these actions, you and I together take small but significant steps to help women everywhere leave the cult of diet mentality behind them, free ourselves from conditioned thinking about our bodies, our weight, and our relationship to food, and in the process figure out how to love life and life at our desired weight. 

If you prefer a physical paperback book, stay tuned for the release of that version of the book sometime next month! Thank you for your support and for celebrating with me today! 

XO Heather 

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Want all of the best tips and strategies from the podcast in one place to help you lose weight? Order the Love Life And Lose Weight book and get a free companion workbook to complete all of the coach homework questions in each chapter.

Want to work with me? Join the No BS Weightloss Membership

It's possible

Never worry about what to eat again

 How amazing would it be to feel confident and clear about your eating during the week, on weekends, and even while traveling or during the holidays.

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I'm Heather Beardsley

I’m an advanced certified weight and life coach who holds a master’s degree in education. I don’t just talk about weight loss; I work full-time as a coach. More than that, I live the lifestyle. My story is powerful proof that the diet industry is broken, and it can and will break you too, unless you are willing to leave it all behind you. We were sold a lie about weight loss that blames the dieter for a lack of self-control in a system that demonizes food as good or bad. That all can stop for you today, too.